Monday, December 5, 2011

The Digital Divide

Worse than it's ever been?

What do you think? Is this a true impediment to learning? To life in general? Who do we leave behind?

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Little Inspiration

Here's a video done by a former student for the imovie project. Just something fun I thought you all as current students could relate to. Enjoy the holiday and please let me know if you have any questions.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Online or The Real World?

Interesting piece over in New City by Michael Workman.

What do you think? Has technology created such discrete limitations on our social interactions that we're reduced to being interested only in what facebook tells us to be interested in?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Travelling Stories

Do you have a travelling story about Chicago?
Has any of your family travelled to Chicago from somewhere, or vice versa?

Please share!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Do you know this?

Based on the work we're doing in some classes, regarding images (this being the final weeks of looking at their power) - do you know this image and the power it relates? Without looking it up online, would you care to guess or tell us what you think it is?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ice Cream Revolution

As a quick note with the growing interest in the "Occupy Wall Street" Campaign, an unexpected sponsor has offered their moral support to the project.


Tremendous stuff.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Khan Academy

Khan Academy Website

Maybe you've already heard of Khan Academy, but if you haven't, check it out. A completely democratic approach to education? Possible through technology. Free. Available to anyone with an internet connection. This is the kind of rethinking of the educational paradigm that can start to spur progress.

what do you think of khan? Can it work?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Choices for the 8minute project.


Block Museum

Smart Museum

Gallery 400

Museum of Contemporary Art

Field Museum

Museum of Science and Industry

Spertus Museum

Museum of Contemporary Photography

Renaissance Society

Three Walls

Hyde Park Art Center

Chicago Art Department

National Museum of Mexican Art

Chicago Children’s Museum

Dusable Museum

Hull House Museum


We look forward to seeing them,

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

TA Tumblr

The TA has a blog too!

Though, to avoid confusion of the gmail accounts etc on blogger, I've decided to use tumblr.

Blog hard, blog often.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Site Investigations for this coming Wednesday

The following people are presenting their site investigations next week;

Heather & Nick
Heather & Dawi
Josh & Meredith

Does anyone have any thoughts on the websites as they stand at the minute? Helpful insights, tips and tricks are always helpful to the investigators, and might be reciprocated with similar feedback, or maybe even cake.

Just saying, cake is a winner.*

The best post on this blog wins a prize next week...*mario invincibility star*

Tuesday, September 27, 2011



This is a TED talk from one of my old lecturer's and good friend's Alex, about what inspires him.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Changing how we think, or thinking how to change?

I hope everyone has in some way been made aware of, and felt some effects of the implications of this:


Think on it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Making heroes, building communities.


This is an online recorded interview of a live interview taking place over skype.

Dr. Esther MacCallum-Stewart interviews two men from "the yogscast", and online community of gamers. They discuss the birth and generation of their community (by accident), and also give a brief tour of MINECRAFT - an interesting game.


Monday, September 19, 2011

The President loves Arts Education!

Ok. Maybe that's a slight overstatement (though he is a big supporter of the arts in education), at least in relation to what I'm sharing here. The White House did release a report earlier this year though that advocates for the arts in classrooms and discusses strategies and benefits of an art education curriculum. Check out the report here. It's done through the President's Committee on Arts and Humanities and could be a good source for thesis research! (hint. hint.)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sir Ken Robinson: Changing Education Paradigms

An absolutely amazing talk given by Sir Ken Robinson. Maybe you've come across it. Maybe not. Whatever the case, it's this kind of thinking which will move the conversation around education forward. Plus, I love the way this is presented.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


What Tabs do you keep open on your internet browser on a daily basis? (Link us to the rarities.)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Wii: Good for more than Gaming

A little something to get you all in the right mindset. Most technology out there can be adapted for many uses, and this is one fantastic case in point. With a bi of creative hacking a Wii remote can help create a classroom smartboard.

On another note, if you haven't checked out TED talks, please do. There is some absolutely amazing stuff on there. Totally worth watching.

More info here

Monday, September 5, 2011

Don't forget;

Hello Children,

Don't go forgetting that you've got a PREZI to do on Wednesday.

Have fun,

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cyberped Laboratory assignment;

Site Investigation Choices

1                      Carlos & Marie Clare

2                      Ed & Katie

3                      Heather & Nick

4                      Heather & Sarah

5                      Josh & Meredith

6                      Julie & Mary

7                      Paola & Sophia

8                      Ricki & Sarah

Cyberped Laboratory assignment;

Reading Facilitators

Week 2 – September 7th, 2011
The Art Institute of Chicago – Unassigned

Week 4 – September 21st, 2011
Art Teacher’s Guide to the Internet – Meredith Martin

Week 5 – September 28th, 2011
Museum 2.0 Blog – Mary Warbelow

Week 7 – October 12th, 2011
Getty Museum – Paola Deguzma
MAC – Marie-Clare

Week 8 – October 19th, 2011
Chicago Public Art Group – Sarah Hornung
US Dept of Education – Carlos Ruiz

Week 9 – October 26th, 2011
MoMA Education – Julie Christo
Tate Modern – D’Andrea

Week 10 – November 2nd, 2011
Educational Video Centre – Ed Pino

Week 11 – November 9th, 2011
Brooklyn Museum – Sophia Cho

Week 12 – November 16th, 2011
Chicago Art Magazine – Ricki Proper
Bad at Sports – Josh

Week 14 – December 7th, 2011
New Museum – Heather Whelan
Edutopia – Sarah Simmons

Week 15 – December 14th, 2011
Chicago Artists Resource – Katie Roth
MCA – Nick Franco

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Things to do;

Hey everyone,

Here's a list of a few things you may want to do when you have time;

1) Do some admin on your blog - make sure we can see your name and all the important information. Just make sure someone would want to read it.

2) Make sure you have a NING account, and when you do look for the following; (

3) Get yourself a facebook account, and add this guy; (

If you need anything else, then please let me know.

Best regards,

P.S. I will try to check and return emails to you as soon as possible, so don't hesitate to send something there.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Welcome to Cyberpegagogy for Fall 2011

Our course description states: 

Cyberpedagogy introduces students to the philosophical, pedagogical, and practical aspects of using digital technology in cultural production and art education. While facilitating student experience with particular software and hardware, the course also promotes a critical discussion of the social impact, aesthetic ramifications, and pedagogical strategies of these technologies.

In your own words, what does cycberpedagogy mean to you? Introduce yourself and comment below, please also include links to your blogs (if you have them).